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Modern Music Clip
Praise Choir Aug 17 Start.jpeg

Praise Choir

Our Praise Choir sings at the Sunday 10am Modern Worship Service September - May. Rehearsals are Thursdays, 6:30pm in the Choir Room for all vocalists under the direction of Michael Rueschhoff - Nickelson. If you are interested in singing, join the First United Praise Team facebook group for updates and upcoming songs.

Worship Band

The Worship Band leads the worship music at the Modern Service. If you have a talent that may fit our worship team, contact us to get connected with Paige Laiben, our Modern Worship Leader.

Organ / Piano

We are grateful for the Judy Hughey serving as organist/pianist for our Saturday Traditional Worship Service..

Psalm 100

Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth.
Worship the Lord with gladness;
come before him with joyful songs.

Joy is a recurring theme at First UMC

and music is a great expression of that joy!

Christmas Musical

For nearly 100 years First UMC has provided a spectacular Christmas Musical for our Community with local celebrities and professional musicians. Mr. Scott Gray has been conducting since 1985. The house is always packed. Watch for your opportunity to participate and attend.

Chancel Choir

The Chancel Choir sings all year except August at our Traditional Worship Service under the direction of Sam Richards. You are invited to join the Choir. Rehearsals are Wednesday, 5:15 pm in the Sanctuary except for August.


Modern Worship - Sundays 10am

Traditional Worship - Saturdays 5pm


113 Grand Avenue, Festus, Missouri 63028

Rev. Dr. Tish Green


First United Methodist Church - Festus/Crystal City

113 Grand Avenue, Festus, Missouri 63028

636.937.6205  ~  Rev. Dr. Tish Green

Traditional Worship Saturday 5pm & Modern Worship Sunday 10am

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