General Conference Input Results
This poll ran from June 4-18, 2024, and is now closed.
All active members and attenders of First UMC were encouraged to participate in this poll via email, social media, and a mailed letter, to guide the Church Council in their response to the actions of General Conference. Click here for the results of the poll.
In response, the Church Council affirmed the pastor's discretion in officiating weddings in the church building understanding that our current pastor officiates weddings only for active church members or attenders. With the removal of restrictions by General Conference, this now includes gay couples who are committed to one another and are active church members/attenders.
"Why are they here?" is a tract written by Rev. Dr. Tish Green specifically for First UMC. It explains how loving, intelligent believers can understand scripture differently and still be in ministry together. You are encouraged to read this for your own understanding and to share it with anyone questioning what is happening at First UMC.
“By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another” (John 13:35)
Original Poll Note:
Hi, Church.
On May 1, 2024, the worldwide United Methodist Church, the General Conference, voted to remove restrictive language from the Book of Discipline concerning marriage and ordination of gay persons. Pastors are now free to determine if they will officiate same-gender weddings without threat of punishment. Churches, by way of the Trustees/Church Council, are free to determine if they will allow same-gender weddings in their building.
The Church Council is requesting your input on the course of ministry at First UMC. Your responses will be sent directly to me alone and I will share the results and comments with the Church Council. Names are required to assure one submission per active congregant or member of First UMC. I will not share your name with your comments unless you mark that your name can be shared.
First United,
Pastor Tish
Praise Service - Sundays 9:15am
New Worship - Sundays 11:00am
Traditional Worship - Saturdays 5pm